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one size fits all.



My Segmentation Playbook from Savio AI offers a revolutionary approach to segmentation, transforming complex insights into actionable strategies that drive real value. This comprehensive tool leverages cutting-edge AI to simplify the segmentation process, making it accessible and effective for agencies and in-house marketers alike.

The Problem

Many segmentation initiatives fail because they get stuck in the insight phase, unable to transition to actionable strategies. This often results in wasted resources and unmet business goals. Segmentation is known for being complex and hard to implement, with new thinking hard to embed into existing teams.

How are you going to use a segmentation to effect business change? This is often the disconnect. The technical segmentation is 30% of the job. 70% is embedding it into the business and being able to do that which is hard for insight teams because it is a different skill to research and statistics, it’s about connecting with and appreciating the business the segmentation needs to impact.
— SVP Research & Insight, UK

My Segmentation Playbook addresses these challenges by providing a structured, AI-powered approach that bridges the gap between insights and action, presenting a significant opportunity for businesses to optimize their marketing efforts and achieve better results.

guest segmentation implemented more easily.

Consider the case of a large hotel chain struggling to enhance its customer experience. Despite conducting a detailed segmentation study, the team faced difficulties in embedding these insights into their daily operations.

With the help of My Segmentation Playbook, they were able to develop tailored tools and materials that made the segmentation insights actionable and relevant.

This approach ensured a smooth rollout across the organization, empowering employees to deliver personalized service and significantly improving guest satisfaction and operational efficiency.

What do you get?

AI-Powered Plans:

The Playbook uses AI to understand your organization's dynamics and generate tailored action plans, ensuring relevance and applicability.

Simplified Business Cases:

Insights are presented in clear, understandable terms, directly linked to business goals and KPIs.

LIST OF Hotspots:

Pinpoint key moments in workflows where segmentation can have the most significant impact.

On-the-Fly Support:

Real-time tools and a digital environment ensure seamless integration into daily operations.

Continuous Human Support:

Workshops, training, and feedback loops help teams effectively apply segmentation insights and continuously improve strategies.

Key Questions for you:

  • Are your segmentation efforts yielding actionable strategies or just insights?

  • How often do your segmentation projects stall due to complexity or lack of clarity?

  • Can your team easily translate segmentation insights into concrete business actions?

  • What would be the impact on your ROI if you could target campaigns more precisely?

Try a better approach

Segmentation doesn’t have to be daunting. With My Segmentation Playbook, you can transform abstract insights into actionable strategies that drive measurable business outcomes. This approach offers the efficiency, precision, and ease of use that traditional consultancies struggle to provide. If you're a marketing leader looking to implement new segmentation strategies or rejuvenate a stalled rollout, My Segmentation Playbook is your solution. Don't let your segmentation efforts fall short—unlock new levels of performance and value for your organization.


Explore the power of My Segmentation Playbook today.

Book a demo with Savio AI and discover how you can revolutionize your approach to segmentation and go beyond the limits of a one size fits all strategy.